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Bella Italia Restaurant, Orange, NJ Illegally expanding the front of the restaurant four feet over the property boundaries onto the public sidewalk. This illegal building addition is now blocking motorists view of traffic causing motorists to actually pull into the westbound lane flow of traffic to view traffic going north creating an extremely dangerous and deadly situation and limiting pedestrian walkway at Central Avenue and South Jefferson Street. An already dangerous intersection. This addition was cusstructed without the required Essex County Planning Board approval. No application was even made as required because Central Avenue is an Essex County Road. Also, any building and zoning permits applied for from the Orange Building Department must be fraudulent and void because Salvatore Granata did not own the property it was applied for or was built on.
Just to add a BAR to the dining room inside! that he already had plenty of legal space inside the building to build on. He didn't even have to steal the public sidewalk.
A Nuisance Neighbor, Salvatore Granata, owner of Bella Italia Restaurant, Orange, NJ exposes signs of corruption and nepotism with Mayor Dwayne Warren and Orange, NJ Business Administrator Chris Hartwyk and more...
Granata exposed these issues by not complying with an Orange Municipal Court Guilty Verdict and requirements to plant screening trees and not to make additional changes to his illegal parking lot without Orange, NJ Planning Board approval.
He planted the trees. They were found to be inadequate, and he was ordered to plant a proper screen of trees and not to expand his illegal lot in any way without Orange Planning Board approval. He complied, got inspected and then removed the trees after inspection, then expanded a small 9' acess gate into a 18 foot unnecessary makeshift driveway.
If Salvatore Granata would have just left things as the court ordered him to, and he agreed to, and he already had done, you would not be reading all about it now.
More to come...
Years of Nuisance behavior.
I would not lower myself to respond except to begin recording it.
Just outside my back door. Multiple, very sick, life-threatening displays aimed at me.
Now the City of Orange Officials including Orange Mayor Dwayne Warren and Orange business administrator Chris Hartwyk are actively being an accomplice in a sick expanded version of Mr. Granata's nuisance activity by continuing to ignore the issues without even the courtesy of any reply.
Front of Bella Italia Restaurant, Orange, NJ prior to illegal building expansion. This view shows prior view with planter/landscape over property boundary but at least you could see the traffic over plants. Next image shows illegal expansion blocking the view of traffic from motorists at the stop sign.
Bella Italia Restaurant, Orange, NJ Illegally expanding the front of the restaurant four feet over the property boundaries onto the public sidewalk. This illegal building addition is now blocking motorists view of traffic causing motorists to actually pull into the westbound lane flow of traffic to view traffic going north creating an extremely dangerous and possibly deadly situation as well as limiting pedestrian walkway on Central Avenue at South Jefferson Street. An already dangerous intersection. Just to add a bar to the dining room inside.
It's hard for me to believe that Salvatore Granata, A supposedly reputable restaurant owner would blatantly not comply with the simplest of requirements ordered by the court. Especially since he has practically stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars of city property, endangers lives, Illegally developed property & mor
This blog will chronicle multiple building code and property violations. Any of the building additions required planning or zoning board approvals but did not receive them. Building permits were applied for on public property not owned by the applicant over property boundaries and belonging to the people of Orange. This blog will detail these issues with the property owner as well as city administrators and employees who have been accomplices in these violations.
Orange Municipal Court ordered to plant trees.
Protest at Mayor Dwayne Warrens Fundraiser at the Bella Italia Restaurant, Central Ave., Orange
(photos and copy to follow)
After sending multiple complaints to Building and Zoning officials, Mayor Warren, as well as Orange Business Administrator Chris Hartwyk and receiving no reply's I asked BA Hartwyk in public, at the public meeting of the Orange City Council why he had not acted on the complaints including all planning and building documentation I sent to him which I received from his departments using OPRA, which I sent to provide proof. Mr Hartwyk said he was verifying the documents were authentic and would get back to me. He didn't, no surprise. I also asked him publicly how many accidents had occurred at the corner of South Jefferson Street and Central Avenue and if the motorists involved were notified of the illegal building expansion and whether that may have been a factor in any accidents there since the property was illegally expanded obscuring the view of motorists. He said no but would look into it. No reply, No Surprise.
(photos, video and copy to follow)
Prior Business Administrators acted immediately. When Mr. Mason (Mr. Hartwyks predecessor) was notified of prior issues he acted immediately
(photo & copy to follow)
Survey, Permits, and File Downloads including permits by Mr. Granata on the building expansion onto the sidewalk. Permits onto property he did not own. coming soon!
Files coming soon.
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